On 2 December 2021, we received a grant from the Health Programme of the EEA Grants 2014 - 2021 for our project Promoting mental resilience and mental health through the prevention of sedentary behaviour and the healthy use of digital media in pre-school children, which is numbered ZD-MGS1-064.

We cooperate on this project with our Norwegian partner: the Institutt for psykologi, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet.

The Department of Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway, is a research organisation that applies scientific knowledge to prevention programmes for school-age children, with a focus on the development of social competence and mental health in children. The Department of Psychology includes the The Human Development Research Centre, hereafter referred to as the Centre, which will be a closer partner in the project. The head of the centre, Prof. Lars Wichstrøm, is the contact person for our project. The Centre conducts research on physical activity, diet, obesity, screen time and internet use among children and adolescents. The research activities also focus on the development of social competence and predictors of mental health in children and adolescents. We will collaborate on evaluating the outcomes of key project activities and methods mapping the effects of workshops on parental competencies in preventing internet and digital technology overuse, sedentary behaviour and physical inactivity. The partnership is important both for the project implementation in order to enrich the professional activities of the project and for mutual learning from the professional practice of similar activities implemented in Norway.

EEA Grants

EEA Grants:

EEA GRANT 2014 – 2021 - LIST OF ACTIONS FROM 12/2021


  • 13.12.2021 MŠ Ivaň, 15.12.2021 MŠ Velké Pavlovice, 16.12.2021 MŠ Božetěchova Brno, MŠ Berušky a Čtyřlístek Benešov, information meetings were held for parents in all kindergartens involved in the project and our lecturers from the psychological section and the physiotherapy section introduced them with the concept of the project.
  • We started screening of children in the kindergartens involved in the project.


  • Screening of children in kindergartens continued.
  • On behalf of the psychology section, Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová a Mgr. Aneta Šírková attended an online consultation with the Norwegian partner Lars Wichstrøm on 13.01.2022, during the meeting the psychologists introduced the project, summarized the activities to date and consulted a questionnaire for parents to map parents' attitudes and behaviours regarding physical activity, sedentary behaviour and screen time.
  • On 27.01.2022, the firs psychological workshop for parents took place in the MŠ Velké Pavlovice with lecturers Aneta Šírková and Zuzana, parents learned how to set the rules of healthy use of digital technologies at home with their children, how to set their safety on the network and what to be careful about.
  • Screening of children was completed, 403 children were screened in five kindergartens.


  • 15.02.2022 the first practical workshop for parents with physiotherapy section took place at MŠ Velké Pavlovice with MUDr. Jaroslava Chlupova, parents were introduced to the most common deviations in the kinesiological examination of children, in the practical part, parents were explained and demonstrated how to react to these deviations and actively work with them.
  • 02.02.2022 psychological workshops continued in MŠ Ivaň, 03.02.2022 in MŠ Berušky Benešov, 07.02.2022 in MŠ Božetěchova Brno and 24.02.2022 MŠ Čtyřlístek Benešov with Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová and Mgr. Aneta Šírková.


  • There were further practical workshops for parents led by the physiotherapy section, 03.03.2022 in MŠ Božetěchova Brno with MUDr. Jaroslav Chlupová and 17.03.2022 in MŠ Berušky and Čtyřlístek in Benešov with Mgr. Martina Haklová and lecturer Jakub Hovorka.
  • 19.03.2022 practical workshops for teachers with MUDr. Jaroslava Chlupová and lecturer Jakub Hovorka took place at the MŠ Berušky and MŠ Čtyřlístek in Benešov.


  • On April 7, 2022, another workshop for parents organized by the physiotherapy section took place at the Ivaň kindergarten.
  • On 23 April 2022 a workshop for teachers from the Božetěchova kindergarten in Brno was held with physiotherapist Mgr. Martina Haklova.
  • Workshops for parents with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Šírková were held in Ivaň kindergarten on 26 April 2022 and in Božetěchova kindergarten on 27 April 2022.
  • On 29 April 2022, teachers from the Velké Pavlovice and Ivaň kindergartens attended a workshop with physiotherapist Mgr. Martina Haklova and Mr. Jakub Hovorka.


  • Screening of children in all five kindergartens involved in the project took place throughout May.
  • 3.5.2022 a workshop for parents took place at the MŠ Velké Pavlovice with Mgr. Aneta Šírková.
  • 12.5.2022 a workshop for parents took place at the MŠ Berušky Benešov with Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová.
  • 18.5.2022 a workshop for parents took place at the MŠ Čtyřlístek Benešov also with Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová.
  • 27.5.2022 we organized an awareness-raising event for the public in Velké Pavlovice, where Mgr. Martina Haklová offered parents and children the possibility of podoscopic examination of the foot; Mr. Hovorka, the lecturer, explained and demonstrated to parents how to choose the right footwear for their children, which should protect the foot but not restrict it;
    a theoretical lecture on posture and the importance of children's movement literacy was given by MUDr. Jaroslava Chlupová, who then practically showed parents of children exercises on the topic of the foot, its mobility, flexibility and activity.


  • During June we examined the remaining children in the kindergartens.
  • 20.6. 2022, online meeting for parents of children from the MŠ Božetěchova was held with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Šírková.
  • 21.6. 2022, online meeting for parents of children from the MŠ Ivaň was held with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Šírková.
  • 21.6. 2022, online meeting for parents of children from the MŠ Berušky Benešov was held with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová.
  • 22.6.2022, online meeting for parents of children from the MŠ Čtyřlístek Benešov was held with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová.
  • 23.6. 2022, online meeting for parents of children from the MŠ Velké Pavlovice was held with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Šírková.


  • 30.8.2022 information meeting for parents of children from the Kralice nad Oslavou kindergarten with MUDr. Jaroslava Chlupová
  • 30.8.2022 information meeting for parents of children from the Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová


  • 5.9.2022 information meeting for parents of children from the Berušky Benešov kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová
  • 6.9.2022 information meeting for parents of children from the Pozořice kindergarten with MUDr. Jaroslava Chlupová
  • 8.9.2022 information meeting for parents of children from the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten with Mr. Jakub Hovorka
  • 12.9.2022 we started screening of children at the Pozořice kindergarten
  • 15.9.2022 screening examination od children at the Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten
  • 16.9.2022 screening examination of children at the Kralice nad Oslavou kindergarten
  • 21.9.2022 screening examination of children at the Berušky Benešov kindergarten


  • 5.10.2022 screening examination of children at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten
  • 6.10.2022 workshop for parents at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Novotná Šírková
  • 12.10.2022 workshop for parents at the Kralice nad Oslavou kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Novotná Šírková
  • 12.10.2022 workshop for teachers at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten
  • 12.10.2022 screening examination of children at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten
  • 13.10.2022 workshop for parents at the Pozořice kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Aneta Novotná Šírková
  • 13.10.2022 workshop for parents at the Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová
  • 15.10.2022 workshop for teachers at the Kralice nad Oslavou kindergarten
  • 20.10.2022 workshop for parents at the Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten with psychologist Mgr. Zuzana Pavelcová
  • 21.10.2022 screening examination of children at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten


  • 4.11.2022 screening examination of children at the Berušky and Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten
  • 5.11.2022 workshop for teachers at the Berušky and Čtyřlístek Benešov kindergarten
  • 11.11.2022 screening examination of children at the Velké Pavlovice kindergarten
  • 26.11.2022 workshop for teachers at the Pozořice kindergarten

We are preparing more information ...